E-learning will continue to expand and soar with the rate distance learning is adopted by corporate organizations and education centres.
According to Galway Academy, the distance learning industry will be huge for the next five years as many educational content, courses and mobile-friendly knowledge-sharing platforms are developed.
The growth of the higher education sector, alongside the increasing Internet penetration, will enhance distance learning growth in the next five years.
The convenience and ease of learning that come with distance learning make it more popular than traditional classroom learning.
Why distance learning will soar over the next five years?
Galway Academy highlights why distance learning will soar over the next five years. These reasons also serve as benefits of distance learning over traditional classroom learning.
3. Cost-friendly
Distance learning is mostly cheaper than traditional classroom learning. While taking a course online, learners do not need to transport from one location to another for lectures.
4. Course variety
Distance learning offers participants a wide range of variety of courses. No matter a learner’s location, there are many enrollment options.